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How can we trust you?

YurPearls is run by two people: Yan Yu and his younger brother, Andy. Yan is a medical doctor from Canada and also a Rhodes Scholar, you can read more about him here on the official Rhodes website, and here on his personal website. Andy is only in junior high school and enjoys website development as a personal hobby.


We aren't out to scam people. We are simply motivated by the desire to do what we can to help our struggling relatives, and people like them, back home in the rural Chinese village where our family originated.


Selling pearls was the best way to do this, because we have a unique competitive advantage that other pearl retailers simply don't, and so can offer you the best value for your money.


We have taken our pearl jewellery to jewelers in western countries for assessment. They have confirmed that, given the quality of pearls that we sell, the prices we charge are more than fair, and some jewelers have even said they would pay more than what we are charging.


In addition, whereas other pearl retailer websites have heavily computer-generated images of pearl products, the photos on our website were all taken by Yan personally, so that what you see is what you get.


If you'd like to talk to us (to have your questions answered, or just to make sure we are real people), you can always connect with us by email or Skype!

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